About Steph

Steph is an archivist who currently works at a train museum because she's a walking autism stereotype. She is a December 2014 graduate of Pratt Institute with a Master's degree in library science with a focus in archival studies. She has a New Jersey State Library Certification and is a member of the Society of American Archivists. A history major and Civil War Era Studies minor as an undergraduate at Gettysburg College, she also loves baseball, comedy history, cycling, playing weird video games, her oversized cat Murphy, and writing and drawing comics. 

Steph is the founder of the Autistic Gaming Initiative, a group of autistic gamers livestreaming once a month for charities run by and for autistic people. For more on this, visit the AGI website here


  1. How does one subscribe to your Asperger's Blog .... Howard Covitz, hhcovitz@aol.com ... Interested in views on the Syndrome.

    1. Hi! I've just subscribed you, so you're all set to go! I also added a subscription box to the sidebar in case anybody else wants to subscribe, as well. Thanks - glad you enjoy the blog!

  2. Hey! I tried to subscribe but my Gmail was being dumb and wouldn't let me...could you add me somehow? I'm a 23-year-old med student and recently-diagnosed Aspie, and I really like your blog! :) mareynolds08@ole.augie.edu

    1. Shoot, it didn't work? I've subscribed you now! Thank you, too - glad you like the blog!
