I really hate not being understood.
Yesterday in class my phone randomly shut off. I always keep it on and set to vibrate just in case there's an emergency. I was fiddling with it whilst I was waiting for the rest of the class to finish up a quiz, trying to make sure it was still working, and I ended up being told off.
I hand-wrote the text of this post in my notes - I was sick to my stomach and almost tearing up, just because a professor thinks I was trying to disrespect him. It's things like that - little situations where I do something that is misconstrued - that make me really unsure of myself as a person.
I really have never been too good with making mistakes to begin with. When I was a kid, I would get so frustrated with myself that I would scream and cry. Much to my parents' dismay, I would even do this in school, which made things rough for me at Somerville Elementary. Naturally, this means I take social criticisms really hard, like this.
I never, ever intend to disrespect anybody. Things like this, however, are very hard for me to deal with, because I end up being perceived as a bad person, which I don't think I am. I just wish other people could see through my social mistakes and understand the person behind them.