Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Becoming The Therapist

I've been seeing my therapist for years now - I first met him in the summer of 2009, and then we resumed sessions in the summer of 2011 and I've been going ever since. He's been a wonderfully positive influence on my life, and I've definitely taken what I've learned and worked on in his office to heart.

It's had a new impact on my life, though, one I didn't think was going to come about - I've started doing my best to bring those teachings to others.

I do my very best to be there for my friends, and I've been giving them the advice that my therapist has given me over the years. It's not the easiest thing to do for me because of my Asperger's - I do get emotionally exhausted pretty easily when I'm trying to be there for people - but no matter how tired I get, I feel better knowing that they're going to be able to hang in there.

Friends mean a lot to me - growing up, I didn't have very many, and so I'm now very protective of the ones I do have. I want them to be happy and healthy, and I do my very best to be a supportive friend and be there for them whenever possible. I also urge them to see a therapist if it would help them - because my therapist saved me, and I believe another good one can save them. I know I can't go it alone and that a therapist will help more than I ever can, but being supportive and letting my friends know that I'm there is important to me.

I'm not really certain where I'm going with this post - it's more stream-of-consciousness writing than anything else. But I did feel it was important to share that being a supportive friend really does go a long way.


  1. I have read so very many of your posts, never talked to you in person or even over the phone but I must say this to you Steph...
    I came across this from my boyfriend Joe's mother sending me some information to read more about Asperger's Syndrome, what Joe was diagnosed with way back when he was in his early teen years.
    I must admit to you that I have went online & read enough about the "Whats" & "No known Why's"...
    I even was part of sites that talked about the "Children & Teens" having it, what to expect aspect....
    This is the first of feeling the "Not alone syndrome"!
    If only this helped Joe & I by me needing to read this, guess what you have given me more than you'll ever know & for that i am your friend for life my dear!
    I honestly mean that for the fact of those times/days that are the sad, bad worst ones to go through with my Joe, tells me this....
    Joe & I are NOT alone & we are NOT the only couple out there struggling to stay together!!
    The bad days are yucky yes but the great days I'd never had without him here with me!
    Life itself would never be anything without where we are today... it gets better & yes we have had are huge share of set backs, however we try always to forgive & work through those "Rainy Time Mucks" whenever we can!

    You've got a friend in me:
    Tabby from Pennsylvania

    1. So glad to know this blog helps! There are so many blogs and websites out there that are great if you've got a child or teenager on the spectrum, but there aren't too many about adulthood and so I figured I'd start this one up to help fill in the gap a little bit.

      If you've ever got any questions, feel free to email me (my address is at the top of this blog on the right-hand side) or comment here and I'll get back to you as quickly as possible!
